• A Life Group is made up of 10-16 people who gather weekly to discuss the previous weekend’s sermon, pray, and minister to one another. Each group has a trained leader and host. We have groups available for men, ladies, young adults, married couples, and mixed groups.

  • Life groups meet on various nights of the week in homes throughout the Valley. Most groups meet in the evenings, but some are available in the mornings.

  • Life Groups are a high priority at CityLight. In Life Groups, some of the most impactful ministry takes place as group members study God’s word while supporting and sharing life with one another. We believe that meeting together in a Life Group on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do for your own spiritual health and the good of the church.

  • Life Groups are a mix of people of different ages with and without children. We leave it up to each group to work out their own child care. Sometimes it works best for families to share a sitter or swap child care with another family whose group meets on a different night. Some groups allow the children to play quietly near the group during the session.

  • Each Life Group semester lasts 10-12 weeks. We have two semesters. At the end of each semester, you’ll have the option of staying in the same group, trying a new group or even taking a break. Life Groups don’t meet over the summer, mid-June through August.

  • Weekly meetings help your group gain (and sustain) the relational momentum that's so vital to building community around God's word. People need a community where they're known, loved and cared for. This kind of meaningful relationship is built on regular and intentional interaction. We believe weekly or biweekly meetings provide a good rhythm for that level of interaction.

  • Few things in life are free. And your involvement in a small group is no exception! The cost of Life Group is the cost of commitment. By attending a Life Group you are committing to faithfully attend our services and whenever your assigned group meets.